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There is no denying the positive impact that engaging in the arts can have on individuals—young and old alike. As it pertains to youth, the arts provide an opportunity for expression, discovery, and camaraderie. The arts also promote positive values such as diligence, cooperation, and creativity.

ArtXecute is an arts education initiative sponsored by Communities Supporting Schools of Wayne County and is open to all Wayne County students (public school, private school, charter school and home school) ages 8-18 at no cost.

The mission of ArtXecute is to provide a space for Wayne County youth to create art, build community, and develop confidence through participation in quality arts education.


A huge thank you to the sponsors of ArtXecute’s production of The Lion King Jr.! Your support makes it all possible, and your generosity turns dreams into reality!

A heartfelt thank you to our amazing community! There is no community theatre without YOU – our incredible community. You showed up in a BIG way for our ArtXecute students, and we are truly grateful for your continued support!

Until next time . . . Hakuna Matata!!


"One of the best things about introducing young people to the arts is seeing them discover things in themselves that they didn’t know were there. I absolutely love being a part of that"
-Barbara I. Jones,  Director of ArtXecute

Barbara I. Jones.jpg


One of the most impactful ways that you can help us to get ArtXecute up and running is to commit your valuable time to the success of this project. We need creative, committed folk just like you with a love for kids and community to volunteer to instruct classes  choreograph musical numbers, design sets, sew costumes, do hair and makeup, run lights and audio, serve snacks, wrangle kids, the opportunities are endless! Experience is nice but not necessary.




That’s a word you don’t hear every day. What it simply means is that because CSS anticipates ArtXecute growing rather quickly, we’ll need a space to house our burgeoning new arts education initiative. Please let us know if you can help us in this area.

Just as CSS is not operating under any misconception that ArtXecute will impact every youth we seek to reach, we are equally committed to avoiding any delusion that we can fulfill this massive undertaking on our own. We need the support of our community!

So, how can you help change the trajectory of a young person’s life through the arts? There are multiple ways:

Donate. Let’s face it. We can’t do what we do without dollars. Whether you have a mite or a mint, every little bit helps! To provide financial support specifically to ArtXecute, please click HERE.


For more information or to enroll a student in ArtXecute, go to or contact Barbara Jones by phone at 919-735-1432 or by email at [email protected].



Barbara Jones

[email protected]

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